U ožujku 2024. je u Geoprojekt d.d. dostavljen novi norveški Norbit sonar i dron s kamerom u okviru projekta CareEXP. Time je sva oprema planirana kroz projekt nabavljena i stavljena u uporabu.
Održana je i obuka za rad s opremom od strane Norbit tehničara. S navedenom opremom, uz nabavljenu i postavljenu kolnu vagu, te uređaje za mjerenje vibracija, Geoprojekt d.d. će optimizirati eksploataciju kamenoloma te postići bolje rezultate.
Projekt je podržan sredstvima Norveškog financijskog mehanizma 2014-2021, u okviru Programa „Business Development adn Innovation Croatia“.
Projekt je podržan sredstvima Norveškog financijskog mehanizma 2014-2021, u okviru Programa „Business Development adn Innovation Croatia“.
CareEXP project in the final phase
In March 2024, a new Norwegian brand Norbit sonar and drone with a camera were delivered to Geoprojekt d,d, within the CareEXP project. Thus, all the equipment planned through the project was acquired and put into use.
Training for working with the equipment was also held by Norbit technicians. With the above-mentioned equipment, along with the purchased and installed wheel scale, and devices for measuring vibrations, Geoprojekt d.d. will optimize quarry exploitation and achieve better results.
The project was supported by a grant from Norway through Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme „Business Development and Innovation Croatia“.